What is grounding and why are so many people talking about it?
Grounding (also called “Earthing”), defined simple, is making a connection with the Earth’s electrical energy.

One way to connect, is to walk barefoot on the ground, or standing on a grounding device which makes a connection to the earth such as grounding shoes & socks, mats or sheets & mattresses . Gardening, landscaping, hiking and many other ways exist to make contact with the earth’s energy.
While most people focus on making a connection to dirt itself, grounding also may be done in water! Here in the mineral waters, the minerals themselves provide an amazing grounding experience. Water also is an amazing conduit for energy to flow through. Finally, water helps us to release, that which does not serve us.
Some of the well known benefits of grounding include better sleep, lowering inflammation, increased blood flow, lower blood pressure and anxiety and much more.
Try it today! There is nothing to lose and so much, to gain.
~ Joyful
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