A new year, brings new opportunities! What an exciting time. Until we get to the part where we are making “resolutions”. It may be great for some people, to state what they will change about themselves and resolve to do. But what if – we thought about this in the opposite way?

Most resolutions focus on action we must take: eating healthier, working out more, saving money. What if we allowed ourselves the break, and focused on what we won’t do?
For example: healthy eating. Instead of saying I am going to stick to x number of calories/carbs/proteins/fats and change my entire eating habits in one day (what a big pressure), what if I said I will stop eating candy, or chips, etc. Setting one limit, is much easier. (I am absolutely, not giving up my dogo treats)!
Exercise is another great example! Instead of saying I will workout daily doing ice climbing (something I honestly wouldn’t stick with – no crampons for dogs), what if I say I will stop watching my neighbor’s cat for 15 minutes every day, to make time for doing some simple stretches (I recommend downward dog).
How about reactivity?! I may decide to state that I will not react to any negative squirrels that I find are not for my highest good, and walk away – instead of demanding I will only encounter positive squirrels, ever (unrealistic for myself, because squirrels).
Chipping away stone to make a sculpture isn’t done with a jack-hammer, it’s done with fine chisels. Making real life changes, is a slow process requiring daily, effort. Piling too much unto oneself for a resolution, isn’t what I call healthy. It’s called undo stress. Give yourself a break, pat yourself on the back and have a year filled with love, friendship and happiness. And lots of treats!
Note: for informational purposes only – please consult with your doctor for health advice.
~ Joyful
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