February often reminds many of us to show love for others, most especially on Valentines day! But here at Joyful Journey Hot Springs, we celebrate February as Self Love month. While I appreciate dog treats, belly rubs and lots of kisses, others may have a different concept of self love. So I traveled the Internet far and wide, for some helpful advise to share with you this month. Please read on, for some great tips.
Create a Self Love checklist:

What is Self Love?
Self-love is a concept in positive psychology that promotes well-being. As an intangible experience, its definition varies across literature, but it’s generally defined as a multidimensional state of balancing focus on yourself with:
- kindness
- acceptance
- support
- nurturance
Self-love is love, just directed inward.
Signs of self-love may include:
- setting and upholding personal boundaries
- feeling comfortable to live by your personal beliefs and values rather than conform to external standards
- using positive self-talk and not harsh criticism
- participating in activities that promote your mental and physical well-being
- being kind and forgiving to yourself if you make a mistake or feel inadequate
- treating yourself with empathy as you would a friend experiencing the same challenge
- valuing yourself enough to pursue new goals or learn new skills
- accepting your strengths and weaknesses to let go of unreasonable expectations
- considering yourself rather than always putting others first
- celebrating or acknowledging your achievements

A growing body of research suggests that self-love and many of its components, like self-compassion and self-connectedness, are important to human resilience and well-being.
Self-love is a powerful psychological tool for building a greater sense of self-worth and confidence and for increasing overall life satisfaction. It may also help improve symptoms of mental health challenges like depression, anxiety, and stress. Its benefits can also extend to physical health.
When you practice self-love, it puts you in a state of mind that naturally encourages healthy behaviors like eating right, exercising, and engaging in stress reduction strategies.

Self-love is a positive psychology concept that focuses on treating yourself with the same empathetic love and kindness you would someone close to you. It’s a balanced approach to considering your personal needs and treating yourself with compassion.
Learning to set and maintain boundaries, boosting your communication skills, and setting a self-care routine are all steps toward improving self-love. Working closely with a mental health professional can also support your journey. @psychcentral
Note: for informational purposes only – please consult with your doctor for health advice.
~ Joyful
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