January 2025 Lodging Sale

We are having a sale in January on all lodging! Any accommodations booked for January 2025, will receive a 20% discount off the regular price! Call us today to book! Details: to receive the discount, your stay here must be for any date within January 2025.
Joyful Christmas Party
We appreciate everyone’s patience on December 18, while we celebrated our employee Christmas party. This is the only (partial) day of the year that we are closed. Below are some of the images in a slideshow, from the event.
To play: the play button is to the left at the bottom, and fullscreen is the square icon on the right.
As you can see, we share a lot of love, happiness and joy with each other!
Self Love February

Come celebrate with us! The focus here in February is self care, healing and spreading lots of love. We will also be sharing some helpful tips and uplifting posts on our social media profiles. If you are not following us:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/JoyfulJourneyHotSprings
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/joyfuljourneyhotsprings
Dark Sky Dates

- January 3 & 4 – Quadrantids Meteor Shower
- January 10 – Venus at Greatest Eastern Elongation
- January13 – Full Moon
- January 16 – Mars at Opposition
- January 29 – New Moon