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Why Retreat?

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At Joyful Journey Hot Springs Spa, we are fortunate to host a myriad of retreats throughout the year and I, personally, have learned how pivotal they are to enhancing one’s health and well-being.

According to Merriam Webster, the Definition of retreat, for this purpose, is:

3: a period of group withdrawal for prayer, meditation, study, or instruction under a director

While different people have different reasons to retreat and there is no one way to accomplish it, I have witnessed some key, common benefits of people who have chosen to retreat at Joyful Journey Hot Springs Spa.

Relaxation: You’d think after all the data we have downloaded about the health benefits of relaxing our mind and body, humans would have this process on auto-pilot. Yet, it seems we have to continue to remind ourselves to make it a priority. Even if you are not part of a get-away-from-it-all retreat, Joyful Journey’s healing waters should be at the top of your relaxation list. But, no pressure. 😊

Gathering: When trying to expound the last 12-months, gathering is not an act that comes to mind, just the opposite. Yet, gathering is in our nature. While COVID has exposed many realities to us, it has also shown us how important having community is in our lives. At Joyful retreats, participants get to meet new people with similar interests. People are also exposed to new thoughts, new techniques, and new cultures, while also improving their well-being. It is stimulating to expand our circle, especially around a common awareness, goal, or theme.

Creativity: What I’ve learned after reading numerous articles is that the collective creativity has expanded since COVID. Once we got past the fear of the unknown, COVID time allowed us to whimsically create, color, draw, and let our minds wander. When we retreat, we give ourselves permission to escape the day-to-day activities that keep us thinking in the same cycles, and instead allows room for extraordinary thoughts that can be beneficial to our well-being.

Nature: The more we operate in asphalt and cement structures, the less connected we become with nature. During COVID, I’ve heard about people not being able to (or afraid to) leave their homes. That means people cramped in small spaces with technology wreaking havoc on the brain, and nowhere to release, play and experience all the bounty of sweet, healing, nurturing Mother Nature.

Joyful Journey Hot Springs Spa & Retreat Center is not just another hot springs. We provide a secluded haven that is a great place to retreat, heal, commune and reconnect with the earth, the birds, the stars and consciously consume all the nourishment that comes with spending time in this magical landscape.

Whether you are seeking connection, self-reflection, a jaunt with nature, new skills, or just a few days away from home in a quiet oasis, Joyful Journey retreats and their respective, talented leaders, provide a space, place and direction for you to address your personal needs. And as we all know, taking care of yourself is not selfish, it’s necessary.

If you are interested in leading or joining a retreat, visit Joyful Journey’s web site at:, or connect with the groups department at 719-256-4328 to discuss your vision of your retreat. Have you attended a retreat before? Would you again? Why or why not?

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